########################################## Kiryluk Lab Last update 1-20-22 ########################################## 1. Genome-wide Polygenic Score This file contains a list of variants and weights comprising a genome-wide polygenic component of the risk score for chronic kidney disease reported in the manuscript "Genome-wide polygenic score with APOL1 risk genotypes predicts chronic kidney disease across major continental ancestries”. The data are presented as follows: variant=Variant ID, as chromosome:position_hg19:allele1:allele2 effect_allele=Allele to which effect weight is relevant to effect_weight=Weight of the effect estimate for effect_allele chr=Chromosome position_hg19=Position based on hg19 A1=Allele1 A2=Allele2 ########################################## 2. APOL1.risk.v1.sh This is a bash script to infer the APOL1 risk genotype from the genotype data based on plink input file in the bed/bim/fam format. ##########################################