The datasets are the summary meta-analysis data reported in the manuscript "Genetic regulation of serum IgA levels and susceptibility to common immune, infectious, kidney, and cardio-metabolic traits": ========================================================================================== 1) META.IGA.LEVELS.ALL.COMBINED.txt: All combined meta-analysis includes 17 diverse ancestry-defined cohorts comprised of 41,263 individuals (35,094 European, 1,751 African American, 1,957 East Asian, 116 and 2,461 Latinx or admixed-ancestry individuals). 2) META.IGA.LEVELS.non-DECODE.txt: Meta-analysis without DECODE cohort includes 16 diverse cohorts of 2,2229 individuals (160,60 European, 1,751 African American, 1,957 East Asian, 116 and 2,461 Latinx or admixed-ancestry individuals). Within each file, the data are presented as follow: =================================================== SNP: SNP identifier CHR: chromosome BP_hg19: position (hg19) A1: effect allele A2: alternative allele BETA: beta coefficient for effect allele SE: standard error P: P value